
Welcome to the official Garden Cloud and Garden Enterprise documentation site 👋

Garden Cloud and Garden Enterprise are distributions of the same application. On this site, you'll hopefully find everything you need to use either product. To keep things simple, we'll generally refer to the application as Garden Cloud.

If you're looking for the documentation for Garden Core, the open source companion to Garden Cloud, you'll find them here.

In the following pages, we'll assume you already have access to a Garden Cloud instance or that you have a Garden Enterprise license. If not, head to our plans page to request access.

Here's a rundown of the different sections (the section links point to the first page of each section):

About Garden Cloud/Enterprise

Garden Cloud/Enterprise is built around the open source Garden Core. Whereas Garden Core is a CLI tool that users run themselves, Garden Cloud is a persistent service that manages important state and holds information about your environments. Beyond Core, Garden Cloud includes RBAC and secrets management for simplified governance, automated environment cleanup to help you save on resource costs, and integrations with GitHub and GitLab so you can trigger Garden workflows directly from VCS events.

Garden Enterprise is a self-hosted distribution of Garden Cloud. In addition to Cloud features, it includes SSO integrations and audit logging.

This project is under heavy development and we have some exciting stuff coming up!

Last updated